
James Barrett Rodehaver aka "Bear"

"Bear the Poet" is a happily married bisexual 41-year old Alabama-born poet, author, and editor. He's written a book of his poems, "Strangely Wonderful,"(2013), co-created and co-edited "Not Dead Yet, An Anthology of Survivor Poetry,"(2014), both of which can be found on Amazon. In 2017, he put out, "Time Travel For Daydreamers". Literary icon Joseph Milazzo called it "the best book of 2017."  Bear has survived years of abuse, as well as all the struggles that come with being disabled. He has gone through 14 surgeries so far, and has spent more time at hospitals than he would like. His poetry is raw, unflinching, powerful, devastatingly tender, and heartbreakingly poignant. He has turned his weaknesses and failures into strengths and victories through poetry. You can find Bear at home with his hubby and three dogs in Pensacola, Florida. He isn't religious, but if he worshiped any deity, it would be Freddie Mercury. He has a 21-year-old trans son that he is very proud of.
